Get started
You need to be logged in to get the full benefit of our TOSCA toolbox.
There are two methods to log in : via Github or Orange France Portal
Once logged in, you land on the projet page with an example provided :
You are identified as a guest on our platform. As such, you have the possibility to upload 10 projects.
When you reach this limit, you are not be able to upload any more projects even if you have deleted some.
Contact us to permanently delete your projects and upload 10 more.
Or you can ask us to switch to a user mode allowing you to have the possibility to upload more than 10 projects.
Upload a new project
Click on the plus sign near the Projects title
A popup window opens and you can drop or select the directory containing your TOSCA yaml files.
The Maximum size of all the files in the directory is 2MB.
You can add a description to distinguish multiple versions of the same project (same name of the directory)
Once you clicked the OK button, files are uploaded and the process of checking the files is started.
You can see the evolution with the change of the icon of the tab Checking.
When the checking is executed (i.e. when the icon of its tab is ,
), you can see the result of this process.
You can also generate diagrams by clicking on the corresponding tab: Network diagrams, UML diagrams, or TOSCA diagrams.
The button allows you to launch all the processes not already executed.
The icon meaning
: step has not started
: the process is scheduled to be executed
: step finished with no errors
: the process is ongoing
: errors occur during the process
: fatal error occur preventing the execution of any depending task
Tabs description

It contains the list of files you have uploaded, as well as the files generated by the analysis steps.
Checking tab

It contains the result of the TOSCA syntax checking.
It is possible to limit the display to the desired level of log messages by clicking the radio button.
Network diagrams tab

It contains the network diagrams generated from your TOSCA yaml files.
Be sure to include in your project a file named tosca2cloudnet.yaml to precise which node and links are defined in your project.
Here is an example :
# Configuration of the network diagram generator.
# Target directory where network diagrams are generated.
# Network capability types.
# Port capability types.
Click on a diagram to display it in full screen, and click again to revert back to the list of diagrams.
UML diagrams tab

It contains the UML representation generated from your TOSCA yaml files. Click on a diagram to display it in full screen, and click again to revert back to the list of diagrams.
TOSCA diagrams tab

It contains the TOSCA diagrams generated from your TOSCA yaml files. Click on a diagram to display it in full screen, and click again to revert back to the list of diagrams.
Alloy syntax tab
It contains the Alloy parser report following the conversion of your TOSCA yaml files into formal Alloy specification.
Filtering display
After the project has been uploaded, a list of labels is displayed on the left part of the screen.
Each label correspond to a yaml file found in the project.
When you choose a label, the content of the tabs on the right are filtered with it.
So you will see only content (errors, diagrams …) related to the selected label.
In the Checking and "Alloy syntax" tabs, you will see the yaml file and the related error messages side by side
In the diagrams tabs, you will see only the diagrams related to the yaml file if any exists :
Editing yaml files
When you have selected a label (ie a yaml file), in the Checking tab, you can see a new edit icon

By clicking on it, you will be able to modify the yaml file.
Once you have finished, click on the save icon

All processing tabs are reset to "the not started state"

Network diagrams
UML2 diagrams
TOSCA Types are translated in UML 2.0 class diagramsTOSCA diagrams
Viewing diagrams
When you click on a diagram, it is displayed alone at the 100% rate.A menu is displayed at the bottom of the image :

You can zoom in or out with the + and - buttons or the mouse wheel.
To quit this view, you can press the Escape key or click on the cross sign

Surfing the portal
To disconnect from the portal click on the opened door icon at the top right corner of the page.
Email the administrator
By clicking the letter icon on the top right, you will be redirected to your email application to compose an email, the recipient being filled.
2022/12/14 - version 1.8
- Updated tools
2022/01/03 - version 1.7
- Updated tools to version 1.2.1
- Fix use of space in filenames
2021/10/06 - version 1.6
- Added Github Authentication
- Add ability to edit multiple files
2021/06/07 - version 1.5
- update tools to version 1.1.2
- changed project list UI
2021/06/07 - version 1.4
- migrate tools to github public tools repo instead of vendoring them
- fulltext edition
- add line number on errors and clic to lookup error reference in file
- updated edit/save buttons, hover text
2021/02/16 - version 1.3
- Edition : allow direct editing of a project on the site - and replay the checks immediately.
- Allow cancelling jobs when not already started
- Count number of displayed errors / warnings
- Move to new domain
- Bug fixes and security improvements
2020/12/14 - version 1.2
- Manual jobs : jobs can be launched on-demand and not always manually
- Bug fixes and security improvements
2020/11/15 - Version 1.1
- Filtering display : Allowing a filtering diagrams and reports to a specific YAML file.
- Visualization of the YAML file corresponding to errors and warning being displayed.
- Ability to zoom on schemas
- Bug fixes and security improvements
Version 1
Initial version.